Artisan Story :
Meet Sarika Nerkar

Name : Sarika Nerkar (40 years)
Sarika has never got the opportunity to work. She was a housewife. Because of her responsibilities and kids, she didn’t get a chance to learn and work somewhere. In her village, she came to know about tisser, where training was going to take place for 15 days. In this training, they were going to teach warli painting.
Sarika was interested and registered for this training and gained interest in warli painting. After completing the course, she got a chance to earn while sitting at home and also managing her house. She used to paint and design for Tisser. Most importantly, being a housewife, after joining tisser she learned how to work and be independent.
She never knew how to talk in front of so many people and showcase her talent. She gained self-confidence and motivation to work as much as she can. Her dream is to support ladies and open a small NGO for women where they can work and also live in peace.