Art and Crafts exhibition Tolstoy Farm 2.0 by VMRCDI
Vaikunthbhai Mehta Research Centre for Decentralised Industries (VMRCDI), a public trust established in 1965, was started in the memory of Vaikunthbhai Mehta, a pioneer leader of the Indian Cooperative Movement and the first chairperson of Khadi and village industries commission.
It is a research, training, and documentation center devoted to the study of decentralized industries, cooperatives, and self-help institutions with the aim of empowering NGOs and others engaged in fieldwork.
Over the decades, it has made remarkable strides in conducting pioneering research and data gathering for semi-governmental bodies and corporate CSR projects.
Now, in a renewed commitment to its core mission, VMRCDI embarks on a transformative journey, firmly grounded in Gandhian values with a vision to revitalize local livelihoods and foster decentralization, and self-reliant village economies.
VMRCDI envisions transforming a part of its premises into an organized platform for rural micro-products, crafts, and sustainable livelihoods in collaboration with Yusuf Meherally Centre (YMC), TISSER Artisan Trust, and researchers from TISS, Mumbai. This initiative has been named Tolstoy Farm 2.0. Read More
The Tolstoy farm in South Africa, named after the Russian author Leo Tolstoy, was established by Mahatma Gandhi as a space for practicing the principles of self-sufficiency, dignity, equality of labour, simple ways of living, respect for nature, and high ideals of non-violence, fraternity, and Satyagraha.
The new version – Tolstoy Farm 2.0 set up in an urban context, in an era driven by industry, will bring you one step closer to a world of handmade treasures, the craftmanship of art and culture from the interiors of India.
We are also exhibiting the journey of these art forms on our storyboard and through discussions and engagement around it.
VMRCDI hopes that this project will be a great learning opportunity for budding entrepreneurs, students, conservationists, and enthusiastic citizens.
This is VMRCDI’s attempt to reimagine and recreate such an institution while integrating the praxis of creating new markets, empowering rural communities, promoting gender equality and women empowerment as well as maintaining ecological balance.
The art and crafts exhibition Tolstoy Farm 2.0 was inaugurated on 15th October 2023 by the industrialist and philanthropist Mr. Kishore Mariwala in the presence of trustees of Yusuf Meherally Center and VMRCDI, Dr. GG Parikh, and other dignitaries.
This exhibition is hosting a series of workshops, live demonstrations, talks and discussions, film screenings as well as open mic events to attract people from all walks of life to visit and encourage the artisans and to experience the art and labour behind the beautiful crafts from diverse regions of India.
वैकुंठभाई मेहता विकेंद्रीकृत उद्योगों के लिए अनुसंधान केंद्र (VMRCDI), 1965 में स्थापित एक सार्वजनिक ट्रस्ट, भारतीय सहकारी आंदोलन के अग्रणी नेता और खादी और ग्रामोद्योग आयोग के पहले अध्यक्ष वैकुंठभाई मेहता की स्मृति में शुरू किया गया था। यह एक अनुसंधान, प्रशिक्षण और दस्तावेज़ीकरण केंद्र है जो विकेन्द्रीकृत उद्योगों, सहकारी समितियों, स्वयं सहायता संस्थानों के अध्ययन के लिए समर्पित है, जिसका उद्देश्य गैर सरकारी संगठनों और क्षेत्रीय कार्य में लगे अन्य लोगों को सशक्त बनाना है। दशकों से, इसने अर्ध-सरकारी निकायों और कॉर्पोरेट सीएसआर परियोजनाओं के लिए अग्रणी अनुसंधान और डेटा एकत्र करने में उल्लेखनीय प्रगति की है।
अब, अपने मुख्य मिशन के प्रति नए सिरे से प्रतिबद्धता में, वीएमआरसीडीआई स्थानीय आजीविका को पुनर्जीवित करने, विकेंद्रीकरण को बढ़ावा देने और आत्मनिर्भर ग्राम अर्थव्यवस्थाओं की दृष्टि के साथ गांधीवादी मूल्यों पर दृढ़ता से आधारित एक परिवर्तनकारी यात्रा पर निकल पड़ा है। वीएमआरसीडीआई यूसुफ मेहरअली सेंटर (वाईएमसी), टीआईएसएसईआर और टीआईएसएस, मुंबई के शोधकर्ताओं के सहयोग से अपने परिसर के एक हिस्से को ग्रामीण सूक्ष्म उत्पादों, शिल्प और टिकाऊ आजीविका के लिए एक संगठित मंच में बदलने की कल्पना करता है। इस पहल को टॉल्स्टॉय फार्म 2.0 नाम दिया गया है.
दक्षिण अफ्रीका में टॉल्स्टॉय फार्म, जिसका नाम रूसी लेखक लियो टॉल्स्टॉय के नाम पर रखा गया था, की स्थापना महात्मा गांधी ने आत्मनिर्भरता, श्रम की गरिमा और समानता, जीवन जीने के सरल तरीकों, प्रकृति के प्रति सम्मान और अहिंसा, बंधुत्व और सत्याग्रह के उच्च आदर्शों का अभ्यास करने के लिए एक स्थान के रूप में की थी। शहरी संदर्भ में स्थापित नया संस्करण – टॉल्स्टॉय फार्म 2.0 ग्रामीण संस्कृति और आजीविका रणनीतियों की झलक देता है। वीएमआरसीडीआई को उम्मीद है कि यह परियोजना उभरते उद्यमियों, छात्रों, संरक्षणवादियों और उत्साही नागरिकों के लिए सीखने का एक बड़ा अवसर होगी। यह नए बाजार बनाने, ग्रामीण समुदायों को सशक्त बनाने, लैंगिक समानता और महिला सशक्तीकरण को बढ़ावा देने के साथ-साथ पारिस्थितिक संतुलन बनाए रखने की प्रथाओं को एकीकृत करते हुए ऐसी संस्था की पुनर्कल्पना और पुनर्निर्माण करने का वीएमआरसीडीआई का प्रयास है।
कला और शिल्प प्रदर्शनी टॉल्स्टॉय फार्म 2.0 का उद्घाटन 15 अक्टूबर 2023 को उद्योगपति और परोपकारी श्री किशोर मारीवाला ने यूसुफ मेहरअली सेंटर और वीएमआरसीडीआई के ट्रस्टी, डॉ. जीजी पारिख और अन्य गणमान्य व्यक्तियों की उपस्थिति में किया। यह प्रदर्शनी कार्यशालाओं, लाइव प्रदर्शनों, वार्ताओं और चर्चाओं, फिल्म स्क्रीनिंग के साथ-साथ ओपन माइक कार्यक्रमों की एक श्रृंखला की मेजबानी कर रही है ताकि जीवन के सभी क्षेत्रों के लोगों को देखने और कारीगरों को प्रोत्साहित करने और भारत के विविध भारत के विविध क्षेत्रों के सुंदर शिल्प के पीछे की कला और श्रम का अनुभव करने के लिए आकर्षित किया जा सके।
World Trade Expo 2023 at WTC, Mumbai
View this post on InstagramA post shared by MVIRDC World Trade Center Mumbai (@mvirdc_wtcmumbaiindia)
Fashion Show
On the first day evening of the World Trade Expo, WTC Mumbai organized a fashion show in association with Tisser Artisans Trust, which is a Mumbai-based NGO that is engaged in preserving cultural heritage, providing sustainable livelihoods, and offering empowerment and education opportunities for 6,000 artisans.Offering popular women’s necklaces such as pendants, chokers and chain necklace. Shop for jewelry in a variety of metals and gemstones to suit any occasion
The theme of the show was Khadi and it was organized to celebrate the remarkable legacy of Mahatma Gandhi. Read More
Tisser has a network of more than 10,000 artisans, groups, and special help groups (SHGs) across South Asia.
It works in more than 200 art forms and generates livelihoods for more than 100 rural clusters in 18 Indian states with at least 1,0000 products made using traditional and cultural art forms.
The fashion show started with the exquisite show ‘Pratha’ of handloom collections, which are skillfully woven with tradition, passion, and dedication by the talented artisans.
These handloom collections are made of Khadi, Tussar Silk, Paithani, and handicrafts like Pattachitra & Madhubani.
The show displayed Tisser’s Starry Night Collection, featuring traditional Pattachitra hand paintings portraying the tree of life motif over Tussar Silk’s ethnicity & royalty.
This beautiful collection showcases handcrafted ensembles replicating the defined cuts along with a flowy silhouette. Each piece portrays divine beauty.
The event also showcased Tisser’s Khadi collections reflecting the beauty and versatility of this fabric.
It was showcased to revive the traditional woven textile, providing sustainable livelihood opportunities, and augmenting the income levels of artisan communities.
The collection is curated by the craft of handweaving and yarn dyeing.
Tisser also presented its Planetary Puzzle Piece Collection inspired by puzzle pieces in collaboration with HCL FOUNDATION. The collection highlighted Tie Dye techniques immersed in a neutral palette adapted from the colors of plants.
The designs are a blend of Daywear portraying a co-relation between puzzle pieces in the form of Tie Dye and Khadi. The base material, Khadi, is handwoven and the pieces are handcrafted.
Honoring Maharashtra’s rich weaving heritage, the show presented the PAITHANI KALECHA MOHA collection that captures the allure of Paithani sarees.
Each saree is a masterpiece, crafted with precision, intricate designs, vibrant colors, and utmost attention to detail.
It elegantly showcased the magnificence of Paithani sarees, drawing inspiration from Maharashtra’s captivating culture and history.
The next collection was Kashi yatra silk, which is curated by a blend of hues inspired by the city of light- Varanasi.
The collection showcased handwoven Ghicha Silk pieces adorned with handpainted Madhubani painted pieces.
This premium collection portrays an array of hues illustrating the scenic glory of Varanasi ghats.
The base material, which is Kosa Silk, is handwoven by artisans from Raigarh, Chhattisgarh, and the pieces are handpainted by women artisans from Madhubani, Bihar.
More than 20 women and men models participated in the show and it was attended by designers, industry professionals, film artists, officials from textile and garment retailers, and potential customers.
The show was organized with the support of LTIMindtree, HCL Foundation, Kosala-Social and Livelihood Foundation, Samhita, and MAVIM- Mahila Arthik Vikas Mahamandal to unlock the potential of our indigenous artisans and create lucrative and sustainable livelihood opportunities for them.
Weaving Heritage and Culture: Commemorating National Handloom Day 2023 with NABARD in Bhubaneshwar!
Step into the enchanting world of ‘PRATHA,’ where threads of time intertwine with the artistic legacy of Odisha.
At Tisser Artisan Trust, we stand humbled and proud as we unveil our latest collection – a testament to the exquisite traditions that have shaped generations.
‘PRATHA’ – a name that resonates with the echoes of ancestors, each stitch a
*Pause for Cause*
Soak in the Magic of Handmade
*Jamboree from Tisser* 8 to 12th September at *Nashik*
1). Free workshops for children and craft lovers.
2). Talk show on handicrafts & handlooms
3). Partha Fashion show
4). Exhibition of craft and loom products from Pan India
Weaving Heritage and Culture: Commemorating National Handloom Day 2023 with NABARD in Bhubaneshwar!
Step into the enchanting world of ‘PRATHA,’ where threads of time intertwine with the artistic legacy of Odisha. At Tisser Artisan Trust, we stand humbled and proud as we unveil our latest collection – a testament to the exquisite traditions that have shaped generations.
‘PRATHA’ – a name that resonates with the echoes of ancestors, each stitch a
ICC International Expo on Home Textile & Handloom supported by Ministry of Commerce & Industrie
July 2021
Supported by the Ministry of Commerce & Industries, Government of India, and organized by the Indian Chamber of Commerce, the 8-day online event is aimed at giving recognition to skilled artisans and reinstating pride in hand-spun, hand-woven, and handcrafted products. Read More
We will be showcasing a wide range of exquisite and authentic handloom sarees, fabrics, dress materials, stoles, dupattas, menswear, home decor, and handicraft products by weavers and artisans from across India.
It will also increase awareness regarding weaves and other traditional art forms and techniques. This will be a unique opportunity to connect & collaborate with manufacturers, suppliers, and exporters of Indian Khadi & Khadi blend products.
December 2021
Tisser focused on satiating the artisanal and weaving cravings of the customers from 18th to 21st Dec 2021 – showing its affinity and respect for the weaving market explicitly.
Showcased Collection-
Hand-painted Histories on Silk
Our artisan clusters from Chattisgarh present you the fruit of their labors: hand-painted kurtas, dupattas, jackets, and many such items made from the finest Mulberry Tussar Silk adorned with the historical arts of Madhubani, Warli, and block-prin.
1. MSME Expo : 18th to 22nd Aug 2022
a) Inaugration of Tisser Anthem
b) Stalls in Expo
c) Inauguration of Centre of Excellence
Larsen & Toubro Infotech X UNDP X Tisser
September 2020
Larsen and Toubro Infotech, as a part of the corporate social responsibility, is training and upskilling women to participate in reviving the Warli art in partnership with United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in India. The two-fold objective of the program is to create women entrepreneurs within low income communities while also bringing this traditional art form to modern day homes. The program started in December 2017, and is reaching out to 2000 women in and around Mumbai. Tisser Artisans Trust (TAT) is a market linkage partner in this project.
As a market linkage initiative, The beneficiaries executed an order of 400 hand woven linen masks with 200 hand painted pouches keeping the current Pandemic theme in mind of Social Distancing and Work from Home.
Unleashing India Global Web Summit series:
Welcome to 117th Web Summit on Friday 16th July from 7.30pm to 8.30pm IST
Unleashing India Global Web Summit series:
Post Covid-devastation,
Enhanced Role of Art, Culture, and Artisans with proper support from Experts for National reincarnation
Chair : Dr.P.Sekhar, Chairman Unleashing India, Global Smart City Panel, MTGF
Expert Speakers
Dr.Masooma Rizvi a writer, Motivational speaker, International Architect, Museology and Art Curation and Restoration Expert. Founder of Belits Design Solution.
Dr.Megha Phansalkar, a Reputed Social Entrepreneur and expert in urban transformation and Rural development popularising Artisans to Global recognition.
RISE World Summit, Kohinoor Business School, Kurla
January 2019
The RISE Summit is an open platform to actively map resources and partnerships driven by the RISE shared values – Responsible, Inclusive, Sustainable, and Eco-friendly. The Idobro works mainly on market linkage. This is the main objective to create future opportunities for our women artisans. We have participated in this two-day summit. The customers were really encouraged to the various products. The women get different exposure through this Summit as the structure of the Summit and Art Festival is completely different. At this Summit, women developed their communication skills and got valuable compliments and suggestions for their products. Here as the crowd was already aware of the handicraft value felt supported by women.
Trained Womens : Smita Mahadik, Supriya Salunkhe, Vishakha Bamane, Savita Kadam.
Location: Kohinoor Business School, Kurla
January 2019
Times Sanskruti festival – Thane is one of the very popular events among art lovers in Maharashtra. The festival is a confluence of Art and Culture and is being organized from 11th to 14th of January 2019 near the beautiful ‘Upvan Lake area. Our project team took the opportunity to participate in a fest and decided to reach the craft lovers through showcasing artisans’ skills. Various products made by the hands of rural artisans were exhibited in a stall. All these products were beautified and stylized with traditional Warli paintings on them. Read More
Craft lovers enjoy shopping, and buy these products with an appreciation of art and artists too. Some of the women artisans from the Bhiwandi cluster expressed their willingness to present at an exhibition stall for four days. Women artisans were happy seeing that products developed by their hands were liked, appreciated, and purchased by visitors with satisfactory smiles on their faces.
Trained women – Rina Jadhav, Ashwini Patil, Razia Khan, Vidya Jadhav
Location – Thane
Swayamsidhha Mahila Mahamandal Exhibition, Parel
January 2019
Swayamsiddha Mahila Mahamandal SHG wing works in the field of Women Empowerment through two major activities these are Self Help Groups (SHGs) and women Empowerment through Self Employment and livelihoods.
This exhibition was arranged by all women from Swayamsidhha. This was specifically a food exhibition. A variety of products like Kurtis, Kurtas, Palazzos, Long Skirts, Scarf, Strolls, Dupattas, Shoes, Jute Bags, Read More
Chetana Craft Centre, Kala Ghoda Fort
January 2019
Chetana is a craft center that has various arts and crafts of India, the hand-woven textiles which are probably the oldest and most popular. We took the opportunity to showcase our products at Chetana Craft Center and decided to reach out to craft lovers by showcasing artisans’ skills.
All these products were beautified and stylized with traditional Warli paintings on them. Craft lovers enjoy shopping, and buy these products with an appreciation of art and artists too.
Trained women: Pritam Paikrao, Monica, Nikita Bharshankar – Aarey Unit 22
Location: Kala Ghoda, Fort
Mahila Arthik Vikas Mahamandal (MAVIM) Thane Exhibition 2019
January 2019
Our Project Team members from Ganeshpuri and Angaon participated in the Mahila Arthik Vikas Mahamandal (MAVIM), Thane Exhibition 2019, Maharashtra Govt. Women from our Bhiwandi cluster made these Warli products under the name of Krantijyoti Lok Sanchalit Sadhana Kendra, Angaon. This is our CMRC where we held pieces of training for Warli Art and now the women’s are making these products by themselves.
Location : Thane
Marketing Linkage
November 2018
Project team along with community members participated in the Diwali exhibition and displayed products developed under the Disha Project.
October 2018
Project Team in cluster development activities at Ganeshpuri and Sanjay Gandhi National park