Artisan Story :
Meet Pradnya Parshuram Naghrut
Pradnya is an 52 years old resident of Karada. She is married and has 1 daughter. Her husband was an auto driver but because of leg injury, he stopped driving. Her daughter is married and she helps her financially. Pradnya is a very emotional and sensitive woman. 6 months back, when her daughter got married she couldn’t digest the fact that she has become alone and was hit by the thoughts of helpless and useless.
She is a part of Tisser’s Women Artisans Skill Enhancement Program since 4 months and has been all smiles since then. She attended 3 months of training under Satish sir and
became a master in pottery.
While learning at training, she mentioned at the end of each day they would talk about their work. She later started to find her work a lot more appealing. She has been really passionate about her work. She thinks anything you can image should be possible and you have to have a passion for pottery because there is a large amount of uncertainty,
especially in the beginning. It took confidence in her abilities to get through these times. Having experience with the creative process really made it easy for her to bring a change in her life. She was mentally frustrated inside and was struggling. To come out of this and become more strong, she decided to join this project and got results really very quick. She has made ganpati idols, adivasi idols, tabla, dholki and idols of people of ancient times. In the beginning, it was different for her to learn as everything was new for her. She had always been inside 4 walls and never got a chance to get out and experience something. She was very nervous but excited at the same time. It was difficult for her to draw experimental work but she managed to do with practice. Making a really successful piece is probably the most satisfying thing for her. Sometimes there will be a piece or two that turns out better than could have expected. This
makes her more happy inside and she gained confidence and inspiration to do something big in her life. Even at the age of 52, it doesn’t matter to her and her husband to learn or experience something. Her husband is really happy and supports her. He handles household sometimes. If you really want to achieve something in your life, you really need to work for it. Pradnya has set an example for all the women out there who consider age as their weakness. She wants to support such women and give them opportunity to work. She is going to continue working and wants to prove her age as her strength
She is a part of Tisser’s Women Artisans Skill Enhancement Program since 4 months and has been all smiles since then. She attended 3 months of training under Satish sir and became a master in pottery.